The Sleepwalker

It all started with the sound of breaking glass . . .
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The Sleepwalker

Roger Clifton and his three friends—the planner, the dreamer, the brains, and the voice of reason—are at it again! When an intruder enters their world and destroys one of their most prized possessions, they are on high alert. Among the rubble, they find that things aren’t always what they seem. As the friends unravel the mystery, a stowaway at their kid-run smoothie shop, a chance meeting with a tech giant, a white cat, and a locked barn become part of a journey that results in a new and unexpected friendship. A surprise is in store for the friends and their former prized possession too. You just never know what will happen with the Red Shed friends.
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About the Author.

"Donec at ullamcorper leo. Donec facilisis lobortis neque at feugiat. Aenean nec bibendum tortor, at euismod felis. Praesent porta velit non velit mattis, eu condimentum nisl sagittis. Vivamus faucibus nunc et commodo commodo. Suspendisse faucibus risus sapien, sit amet vulputate odio laoreet blandit."

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